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(Click this link to access the individual photos)People live in cities. People need to move around and need to move things around. Transport, therefore, is needed for life in cities to survive and thrive. Three photographers, Nicole, Martin and Boyd, have captured aspects of boat, bicycle and rail transport within Brisbane.
"The Blitz" is an example of the work of Chris Trotter, a local sculptor notably responsible for the metal kangaroos lazing on the George St footpath (near the corner of Adelaide St). This work was "parked" outside the entrance to old Government House (QUT Gardens Point) where it formed part of a display. Taken with my Nikon F65 using Ilford HP5 (pushed 2 stops to ISO1600, just because I could). Didn't quite get the in-camera, "rule of thirds" composition I was aiming for, though I thought it still sufficiently interesting to be worth a share. The LED time stamp was mistakenly activated during this and a number of other exposures. Rather than digitally remove it, I thought it could serve as a reminder of of times past when such mediocre detail on a print was considered highly useful, even desirable! ("Oh yes Joan, this was taken on our.. ? September! Skegness holiday, terrible weather, just poured.. )
Every once in a while, modern architecture breaks into something like this that makes me forgive it for leaving ornate cornices and carvings behind. This is actually a half-dome, tracing only a semicircle. I really enjoyed finding a viewpoint that would isolate just a section to give the illusion of a massive fan vault. It's the lines that are the stars, arching from edge to edge and compartmentalising the two main textures of the ceiling itself and the supporting glass wall. Guest appearance from the late morning sun with its suffused glow.
Path to GloryThis was shot in midday sun, which while not always the photographer's best friend, was perfect for picking up the repeating horizontal surfaces. After processing the image, I liked the effect of the lower half of the flight being bathed with a slightly mysterious light and was instantly reminded of the Biblical account of Jacob's dream of the angels on the ladder or stairway reaching to Heaven. In a more transient and earthbound sense, the title is still appropriate as this flight leads to the stage in the Roma Street Parklands.