Sunday, March 29, 2009


Maybe its the use of a digital camera that encourages a bit of whimsy more often than with film, but it must have hit me hard on this occasion ...

Okay, so it is not every day that you see a black-faced sheep grazing in the middle of suburban Brisbane. Taken on another walk around the Oxley Creek Common with my new toy.

I think that I was drawn more by the light than the subject, and I liked the play of the shadows across its freshly shorn wool. (Canon 450d, 55-250mm)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Absolutely stunning shot Boyd - one to be very proud of. The texture of the grass and coat perfectly frame the shape and contrast of the sheep's face. And indeed, one would not expect to see such a scene in suburban Brisbane!
Why do I think of Wallace and Gromit on reading the title? :-)